Private Home Security Prevents Home Invasion
iT1 works with the Washington Learning Source contract to provide a wide range of offerings to meet the unique needs of each K-12 school safety in partnership with City Watch Digital.
Traditional camera systems and security methods are no longer enough. The ability to passively vet and track every pedestrian, vehicle, IoT, and RFID device in real-time is necessary for the ever-changing public environments, which is what sets us apart from other security systems. City Watch Digital uses proven patented sensor technologies to mitigate health and security risks in schools with capabilities that fully qualify for Federal funding (CARES ACT I and CARES ACT II, DHS’s Secured School Safety Grant). The City Watch Digital solution offers disease detection. weapons detection, authorized and non-authorized access controls, and real-time geospatial data of everyone inside.
iT1 and City Watch Digital are having a tremendous impact on getting kids back to school safely with the approved 1.9 trillion CARES II Act. City Watch Digital COVID-19 Thermographic and Security Solutions has made in-person learning safe. For one east coast district, over 150,000 kids, faculty, and staff are being passively tested daily and City Watch Digital has proven to identify cases successfully, preventing the spread of COVID-19 to students and teachers in the county.
The iT1 and City Watch Digital solution scans masked/non-masked individuals and automatically detects temperatures above 100.4 F/38 C using infrared cameras and AI. By locating people with symptoms of COVID-19 before they enter the facility passively, everyone stays safe and healthy — with 99% accuracy and in real-time. The City Watch Digital is completely modular and monitored 24/7, making the system perfect for events, transportation systems (buses, trains, etc.), schools, municipal, and public spaces.